Characteristics of Albumin Levels and Liver Function in Patients With COVID-19 at H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan


  • Ghazali Akhmad Putranta Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Fajrinur Syarani Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Syamsul Bihar Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utar
  • Putri Chairani Eyanoer Department of Community and Preventive Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara



COVID-19, Hypoalbuminemia, Liver Enzymes


Background: COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease-2019) pandemic has a high mortality rate especially in Medan, Indonesia. Serum albumin and liver function tests are believed to be predictive biomarkers for prognosis in patients with infectious diseases, including COVID-19. This study aimed to investigate the association between the mortality events and severely ill COVID-19 patients' serum albumin and liver enzymes.

Method: This is a cross-sectional study using secondary data from the medical records of H. Adam Malik Hospital patients with COVID-19 who were confirmed by RT-PCR from August to December 2020. All patients were analyzed for age, sex, hypoalbuminemia, increased liver enzymes and outcome using Chi-square tests (P<0.05).

Results: The average age of severe COVID-19 patients at H. Adam Malik Hospital ranged from 41 to 60 years, with more women prevalence than men. Most of the patients had hypoalbuminemia (84.2%), an increase in AST (59.4)% and ALT (45.5%). There was no significant association between hypoalbuminemia and the disease outcome (P=0.12). There was a significant association between elevated liver enzymes and mortality in severely ill COVID-19 patients (P<0.001).

Conclusion: We found that hypoalbuminemia is common in patients with severe COVID-19. However, we found that albumin levels had no association with the patients' mortality rate. Liver enzymes levels appear to be a predictive biomarker for outcomes in COVID-19 patients of H. Adam Malik Hospital. We found that higher ALT and AST levels were associated with significantly higher mortality.




How to Cite

Putranta, G. A. ., Syarani, F. ., Bihar, S. ., & Eyanoer, P. C. . (2022). Characteristics of Albumin Levels and Liver Function in Patients With COVID-19 at H. Adam Malik Hospital, Medan. Respiratory Science, 3(1), 67-71.